What products are available?

A complete list of products and services offered by the Cash4You can be found in the Products section.

Can my project benefit from a Cash4You loan?

Cash4You finances projects in most sectors. To be eligible, projects must contribute to the EU's economic objectives. For more information, write to us!

How can I apply for a loan?

Submitting individual loan applications to Cash4You does not require any special formalities. Project promoters are simply invited to provide the loans department with a detailed description of their investment project and the financial package envisaged. 

It is possible to contact the services of Cash4You in different ways for the initial presentation of a project proposal: by telephone and by email . The project promoter should provide sufficient information to allow Cash4You's services to evaluate the conformity of the project with its lending objectives and the coherence of the promoter's business plan.

Special case: projects under 1 million dollars (USD)

To enable the financing of projects whose total cost is less than 1 million dollars (USD), Cash4You grants lines of credit to local, regional or national companies (these are loans with or without bank intermediation).

The decision to lend the Cash4You resources made available through these lines of credit rests with the financial intermediary. Promoters wishing to benefit from Cash4You financing for a project of less than 1 million dollars (USD) are invited to contact us directly and provide us with a detailed description of their investment project and the financial package envisaged.

Cash4You can also provide direct loans to mid-size companies (up to 3000 employees) when the required amount is between 1 million dollars (USD) and 5 million dollars (USD).

Is there anything else I should know before applying for a loan?

Cash4You adopts strict environmental and procurement policies.

Potential promoters should ensure that their project complies with these conditions.

For more information, please  fill in a short online application form.